Drag Show - Benefiz Gala für einen CSD in Friedrichshafen
in der Ulmer AIDS-Hilfe

Benefit gala for a CSD in Friedrichshafen
Drag Show
A drag show will take place on March 11th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the AIDS-Hilfe Ulm. The proceeds benefit the CSD in Friedrichshafen.
Queer, charming, militant
The moderation team @Obertunte and @Elom will guide you through an evening full of queer history, love, suffering and empowerment. Tickets are now available at the AIDS-Hilfe Ulm and via e-mail to info@aidshilfe-ulm.de
Get your tickets quickly, because there are only 60 tickets available!
€15 regular
€10 reduced
+++ Rated T* for Tunt* +++
May contain terrible color combinations, bad lyrics, processed and unprocessed psychological and physical trauma, graphic language, explicit kink and sexuality, nudity, alcohol consumption, heavy gender bending, hedonism, loud and annoying sounds, trashy wardrobe, stunning beauty, moments of truth, tons of make-up and the actual healing of the queer soul.
+++ Rated T* for Tunt* +++
May contain terrible color combinations, bad lyrics, processed and unprocessed psychological and physical trauma, graphic language, explicit kink and sexuality, nudity, alcohol consumption, heavy gender bending, hedonism, loud and annoying sounds, trashy wardrobe, stunning beauty, moments of truth, tons of make-up and the actual healing of the queer soul.

Pascal Eck
Fachkraft für Prävention im digitalen Raum
Fachkraft für szenebezogene Prävention
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