We offer different prevention events depending on the target group. In schools, we offer a playful HIV hands-on course consisting of five stations for students particularly in grades eight and higher on topics such as contraceptive methods, condom use, HIV and information on love, sexuality and safety.
For older students or other interested groups, we present the information in a 90 minutes long lecture, which can be supplemented with a conversation with an HIV-positive person on request.
In addition, workshops are offered in the Ulm AIDS Aid for young, unaccompanied, male refugees, in which they are informed about anatomical basics, contraception and sexual diversity. This offer is also available for other male teens.
Our staff provides informational booths at public events such as the "Christopher Street Day" or the World AIDS Day, where volunteers gladly provide passers-by with information on HIV and AIDS.
Celebrating the annual World AIDS Day, we provide schools in the area with information materials, red ribbons, condoms and a donation box, so that the topic also attracts attention among students through an information stand.
prevention events of AIDS-Hilfe Ulm
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