Medizinische Rundreise

Fortbildung für Mitarbeiter*innen von Aidshilfen, HIV-positive Menschen und andere Multiplikator*innen sowie Mitarbeiter*innen kooperierender Institutionen

Medizinische Rundreise 2025

Invitation to the medical tour
Topic: HIV therapy in focus

Deutsche Aidshilfe e.V. and Ulmer AIDS-Hilfe cordially invite you to this year's medical tour on Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Trainer: Bernd Vielhaber
Conference leader/moderator: Ulla Clement-Wachter


* People with HIV infection - first infectious diseases, then internal medicine, now geriatric patients Start of therapy

* Approaches and effects of HIV medications

* Practical aspects of HIV therapy

* Changing therapy and simplifying or optimizing therapy

* n=n

* Outlook on the future of HIV therapy

* Employees of AIDS support organizations, HIV-positive people and other multipliers as well as employees of cooperating institutions are invited

Registration: Binding registration online by March 1st, 2025 at the latest. See link below.

The maximum number of participants is 20.

Participation fees: There are no fees for participation in the medical tour.

Information: During the training, Ulm AIDS Help will provide drinks and a snack during the lunch break. Please inform us of any special diets in good time before the training to Pictures will be taken during the training. If you do not want this, you must let us know before the start of the event!

We look forward to welcoming you on the medical tour!

The Ulm AIDS Help team
