
Checkpoint Ulm on November 10th

Register now to test for HIV and other STIs

Veranstaltung Checkpoint Testabend
© AIDS-Hilfe Ulm
Checkpoint at AIDS-Hilfe Ulm

Furttenbachstr. 14
89077 Ulm

During our test evening on November 10th, you can be tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Ulm checkpoint. Please arrange a test date in advance by email (checkpoint@aidshilfe-ulm.de). It is important that you arrive on time at the agreed time. Please do not come too late or too early. According to the new Corona regulation, the 3G rule now applies to the test evening at the Checkpoint Ulm. Participation is only possible for those who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested. Please enter the Ulmer AIDS-Hilfe rooms with an FFP2 mask. Only single appointments are possible. Couples are asked to book two dates. Unfortunately, accompanying persons are not allowed to enter the premises. After a consultation, which is conducted anonymously and at a sufficient distance, you can decide which tests will be taken. You can find an overview here. The results of the laboratory tests can be requested by telephone the following week. Our other planned checkpoint dates in 2021 are always on Wednesday evening: November 10th and 24th 2021.
